Beyond CSRD

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has entered into force and is currently being incorporated into EU members states’ national legislation. 

The Swedish government estimates that 1.600-2.000 large-, hundreds of listed small and medium- and 140 financial companies are covered. The costs are estimated between SEK 6-8 million for the largest companies per year, as well as SEK 3 million in one-off costs.

Beyond CSRD significantly shortens the path to the company's sustainability report. The tool is data-driven, comprehensive, resource efficient, and provides a concrete overview that can be used directly in the Annual Report.

The tool produces reports in compliance with the legislation, and summarize the company’s sustanability footprint.

Beyond CSRD provides the basis for business driven value creation over time. In which segments and how can the company’s sustainability become profitable? A materiality analysis based on Beyond CSRD provides a basis for decisions.

Please contact us for a demo or more information about our sustainability data management tool: or +46 (0) 70 865 82 94