Beyond CSRD

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will become a Swedish legal requirement on January 1, 2025.

The Swedish government estimates that 1.600-2.000 large-, hundreds of listed small and medium- and 140 financial companies are covered. The costs are estimated between SEK 6-8 million for the largest companies per year, as well as SEK 3 million in one-off costs.

Beyond CSRD significantly shortens the path to the company's sustainability report. The tool is data-driven, comprehensive, resource efficient, and provides a concrete overview that can be used directly in the Annual Report.

The tool will produce reports in compliance with the legislation, and summarize the company’s sustanability footprint.

Beyond CSRD entails a one-time cost in the order of SEK 0.3-0.9 million, as well as an annual license for a continuous stream of annual reports for relevant ESRS sections in the order of SEK 0.2-0.8 million per year.

Beyond CSRD provides the basis for business driven value creation over time. In which segments and how can the company’s sustainability become profitable? A materiality analysis based on Beyond CSRD provides a basis for decisions.